Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
In this time of more darkness and stillness we have time to be with ourselves - to notice what doesn’t feel right and isn’t working. When we're busy it's easy to steam roll past those subtle, but important signals that something is no longer serving us. Whether that be a thought or behaviour pattern, an environment, a relationship dynamic, a substance, or an activity.
Can you honour and thank your body for initially moving you toward what is now no longer serving you? Here’s the thing, it did serve you at a time. Probably when you had limited tools and awareness at your disposal - and it did a great job!
Getting honest with yourself – pause the judgement and self-shaming. Ask, what does this give me?
For example…
– A way to distract myself from feelings of grief, anger, fear, hopelessness
– A way to reinforce how I am the victim
– A way to seek out approval or prove that I’m loveable/enough
– A way to continue to punish myself out of shame and guilt
– A way to feed my conditioned addiction to chaos
– A way to blame others and not take accountability
– A way to isolate and protect myself from feeling vulnerability
Whatever it is, it worked well. By acknowledging what we're gaining, we take the charge and attraction out of it – it can come out of your shadow. The experience no longer needs to persist or be created by your unconscious mind.
On the compulsion to repeat what no longer serves you:
" This [ X ] reinforces the belief that [ Y ].
I want to create [ Z ] in my life.
I have created enough evidence in my life that [ X ] proves [ Y ]. (repeat x 3)
I have created enough evidence of [ Y ] in my life. (repeat x 5)
I am ready for and creating brand new evidence of [ Z ] in my life. (repeat x 2)"
X = what isn’t serving you – describe the behaviour pattern / environment / relationship dynamic / substance / activity etc.
Y = the subconscious belief that you’ll find through feeling into what X it gives you – e.g. I am… / The world is… / People are … / Life is … etc.
Z = what you actually want to feel and experience.