The Impact of Inconsequential Moments

Have you noticed how seemingly inconsequential events reveal their power later on? Reflecting on beginnings, I marvel at the path that brought me here. The past three years were the most challenging and rewarding of my life. I went on a deep inward journey, discovering how disconnected I was from my body. My body was screaming at me with auto-immune conditions. However, a dysfunctional relationship with emotions and intuition, rooted in childhood, left me unaware and ill-equipped.


Intensive training and therapy in breathwork and somatics lifted a veil. Life previously was not truly my own; it was a series of reactions, driven mainly by unconscious trauma my body held. Many things I considered "normal" were actually harming me. The key to these insights lay in the body, where the unconscious often manifests (think about it… how many bodily processes occur unconsciously). Getting to know my body and breath shifted it all.


You don't have to accept certain things as normal, like chronic illness, anxiety, constant migraines, or judging your emotions with confusion like "I shouldn't be feeling this". Your body is more than a brain taxi; your feelings are messengers. See feeling is consciousness, it is the awareness of sensing something through the nervous system. As a client said last month: “I realised I am a body”.


The title of Gabor Mate's latest book, "The Myth of Normal," encapsulates this. Many of us are courageously peeling back the layers of conditioning on health. As you explore trauma, illness, and healing, I invite you to deepen your relationship with your breath and nervous system. Prepare to be amazed by what it can show you. A client shocked at the end of a session with me joked, "it's good to be humbled you know”.


Let’s come out of “normal” (a.k.a. trauma driven reactivity) and create space for something new.


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I’m A Survivor


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